Roof shingles are an alternative to roofing sheets, roofing tiles, plastic sheets, etc. They are manufactured from fibre-glass asphalt that comes in different colors. Also available are Felt Underlayment, Vent, and Nails.
Roof Shingles
DESCRIPTION: Manufactured from fiberglass asphalt, roof shingles are an alternative to roofing sheets, tiles, plastic sheets, etc. They are the most preferred choice for roofing because they are inexpensive, easy to install, and come in various colors!
USES: Shingles can be used on almost any style of roof. These include houses, garages, sheds, commercial or agricultural buildings, and much more.
It is beautiful.
It is Class A Fire Rated.
It offers a traditional look.
It is available in different colors and styles.
It is relatively easy to install.
Best choice for the home-owner with its water-shedding and weather-resistant construction